June 3, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • Page 21
The Eisenhower Service Project along with the Friends of Wyckoff held the third Electronic Recycling Day on May 16. Nearly a ton of unwanted electronics were dropped off at the Wyckoff Reformed Church parking lot from 9 a.m. to noon, and quickly filled an 18-foot truck. Radios, computers, keyboards, and televisions were some of the popular items dropped off. Working items were separated and donated to needy organizations and our military overseas. Cell phones were donated to the American Diabetes Association and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Since the first electronic drive was held before the Township of Wyckoff offered an electronic recycling center to residents, flyers were given out to encourage residents to use Wyckoff’s Electronic Recycling Center that opened in January 2009 on West Main Street.
Pictured are Friends of Wyckoff members with two Eisenhower Middle School students.
Friends, Eisenhower recycle electronics
Gas station
(continued from page 7) a previous board hearing. Plans call for the entire site to be improved. The structure will be renovated but will retain its colonial look, and the impervious surfaces will be somewhat reduced by increasing the landscape islands, and repaved. As approved, there will be three islands, one of which will offer diesel fuel. The new canopy will be 64 feet long, with recessed lighting and lower voltage to reduce light spillage. The board’s approval did not include any sign variances, so all signage will have to conform, or variances will have to be sought at a later date.
The Wyckoff Chamber of Commerce
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