Page 16 THE VILLADOM TIMES I, II, III & IV • July 22, 2009
‘Bruno’ comes to silver screen
(continued from Entertainment page) be his pathway back to the A-list. His faithful assistant, Lutz (Gustaf Hammarsten), accompanies him as Bruno has a new goal: to become a movie star in a Hollywood blockbuster. Failing this, Bruno attributes his lack of success to his gayness and vows to “cure” his homosexuality. He visits a minister whose specialty is talking gay folks out of their gayness. This is an amazing sequence, as Cohen feeds straight lines to the minister, whose answers elicit more laughter than Bruno’s questions. Here is the problem. Cohen’s setups are geared to prompt homophobic responses to Bruno and his dazzle. While “Borat” spread its comic net wider and managed to provide a consistently riotous experience, “Bruno” is uneven. There are bulls-eye scenes, but not enough, and they work so well that they diminish the more modest sequences. Those few scenes that will make the viewer’s jaw drop include one with Bruno and Lutz in a compromising situation in a hotel room while assorted staff members try to be professional. A sequence featuring Bruno, made up to look macho, and Lutz in a caged wrestling ring produces some amazing reactions from audience members, who would be right at home cheering on lions against Christians in the Roman arena. This scene, more than any other in the film, illustrates how quickly attitudes turn hostile when a man, previously thought straight, is revealed to be gay. Cohen has cornered the outrageousness market in cinema. There have been plenty of R-rated comedies lately, but compared to “Bruno,” they seem tame, and even reserved. This kind of comedy is not for everyone, since Cohen is always widening the parameters of bad taste. Director Larry Charles (“Borat”) and Cohen thrive on incongruity, visual gags, human nature, and outlandish costuming to milk jokes. If the viewer does not laugh at the jokes, he or she laughs at the sheer audacity of the filmmakers. Look for some music superstars to turn up in a “We Are the World” music video spoof singing a song purportedly written by Bruno. Audiences will love the lyrics. mats, contains 13 episodes from the series final season. Initially met with enthusiastic reviews and impressive Nielsen numbers, the show became one of the victims of the writers’ strike. The long hiatus caused by the strike did irreparable damage as viewers lost interest. The central character is Ned (Lee Pace), a young pie maker who can revive the dead. Chuck (Anna Friel) is Ned’s childhood sweetheart, whom he has brought back to life. The art direction is extraordinary. There are shots that truly take the breath away, with an ample number of outdoor scenes. Costars include Kristen Chenowith as a waitress at Ned’s restaurant, Chi McBride as a detective, and Swoosie Kurtz and Ellen Greene as Chuck’s dizzy Aunts Lily and Vivian. Second season guest stars include Autumn Reeser, Diana Scarwid, David Arquette, and Wendie Malick. Bluray bonuses include featurettes on show creator Bryan Fuller, turning a script into a TV show, and the show’s eyecatching visual effects.
ARIES - Mar 21/Apr ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 20 Advice is offered to you, Aries, Advice is offered to you, Aries, butbut you don’t want to take it. Reconsider you don’t want to take it. Reconsider listening, because this person is very listening, because this person is very wise, and you could benefit from wise, and you could benefit from a a little education. little education. TAURUS - Apr 21/May TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 21 Someone will rely your help heavSomeone will rely on on your help heavily ily thethe days come, Taurus. You in in days to to come, Taurus. You don’t mind because you feel your best don’t mind because you feel your best when helping those in in need. when helping outout those need. GEMINI - May 22/Jun GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 21 You have been juggling many You have been juggling tootoo many projects, Gemini. Pretty soon you’re projects, Gemini. Pretty soon you’re bound to drop one of those balls bound to drop one of those balls you’re balancing. Realize that you’re balancing. Realize that it’sit’s time to scale back. time to scale back. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 22 Your life is in upheaval, Cancer, Your life is in an an upheaval, Cancer, butbutis a very happy change. Enjoy it it is a very happy change. Enjoy these moments because they aren’t these moments because they aren’t bound to continue very long. Scorbound to continue forfor very long. Scorpiopio playsrole in thethe change. plays a a role in change. LEO - Jul 23/Aug LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 23 A stranger brings good news this A stranger brings good news this week, Leo. And just in in time week, Leo. And it’sit’s just time because you can certainly use some, because you can certainly use some, and quickly. Friends want to in in and quickly. Friends want to getget on on thethe action. action. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 22 A large responsibility has been A large responsibility has been putput into your hands, Virgo. Don’t worry, into your hands, Virgo. Don’t worry, you have means to to it it done. you have thethe means getgetdone. You can always enlist help of of You can always enlist thethe help a a family member if things hairy. family member if things getget hairy. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 23 Someone from your past has made Someone from your past has made an an appearance lately, Libra, and you’re appearance lately, Libra, and you’re notnot happy run into this individual. happy to to run into this individual. Say your “hellos” and then walk Say your “hellos” and then walk quickly in opposite direction. quickly in thethe opposite direction. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 22 A business trip, a vacation, or another A business trip, a vacation, or another idea that involves your going of idea that involves your going outout of town is fast approaching, Scorpio. town is fast approaching, Scorpio. It It will a a bumpy ride, prepare early will be bebumpy ride, so so prepare early and expect unexpected. and expect thethe unexpected. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 21 The news you have been waiting The bigbig news you have been waiting to hear will finally arrive this week, to hear will finally arrive this week, Sagittarius. Expect that it won’t Sagittarius. Expect that it won’t be be as good as you had expected. Better as good as you had expected. Better revise your plans accordingly. revise your plans accordingly. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 20 AnAn important decision you face has important decision you face has you feeling very ambivalent. You you feeling very ambivalent. You don’t care about making a choice don’t care about making a choice be-between two options. However, you tween thethe two options. However, you may want to rethink how you feel. may want to rethink how you feel. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 18 You can have a stubborn temper, You can have a stubborn temper, Aquarius, and now those close to you Aquarius, and now those close to you areare starting getget fed up. You’d better starting to to fed up. You’d better change way you deal with people change thethe way you deal with people or you’ll very lonely. or you’ll be be very lonely. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 20 If you planning a a major bash, If you areare planningmajor bash, you’ll have to figure where to to you’ll have to figure outout where getget thethe finances, Pisces. Your wallet a a finances, Pisces. Your wallet is is little light these days. little light these days.
DVD releases
(continued from Restaurant page) abysmal prison conditions. Even though Billy is guilty as charged, sympathy quickly builds for him on a purely personal level. He is just a kid, far from his native country and family. Suspense hinges on what unexpected horrors he will be subjected to next. Blu-ray extras include a commentary track with Alan Parker and a featurette, “The Producers,” that contains comments by the film’s production staff on the genesis of the movie, casting, differences between the actual story and the screen version, and the legacy of the 21-year-old picture. “Pushing Daisies: The Complete Season Two” (Warner Home Video), now available in both DVD and Blu-ray for-
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