Midland Park July 15, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • Page 13 The Midland Park Mayor and Council are considering making provisions for a farmers’ market in town and are looking for a non-profit borough organization to run it. The governing body discussed a tentative licensing ordinance last week modeled after Ridgewood’s, but council members expressed concern about other considerations that should be part and parcel of such a venture. “In what specific areas would it be allowed and what would be the hours of operation?” asked Councilwoman Nancy Peet. “Without guidelines I envision an Amish family with their horse and buggy set up in my back yard,” she added. Borough Attorney Robert Regan agreed, noting that if the council wanted to proceed with the idea, it would have to amend the zoning ordinance and designate a zone where the market would be allowed. He said it should be established as a conditional use in a non-residential area, setting down such conditions as minimum size of area, available parking and hours of operation. Regan suggested that if someone wants to start such an enterprise this year in what is left of the season, the council should consider allowing it on a temporary basis. He said the experience could then be analyzed and used to fashion the ordinance for the following season. The site being proposed is the park-and-ride lot in the Wortendyke section of town off Central Avenue. It would be held on Saturdays through October from 10-3. “It would bring more foot traffic and visibility to that are of town,” commented Mayor Joseph Monahan. The idea for the farmers’ market was raised by Oggi Echavaria, an employee of Rosario’s Restaurant on Central Avenue who is experienced with such operations. Contacted after the council meeting, Echavaria said he was familiar with Ridgewood’s Sunday market and though having one in Midland Park would work out well. “It would bring more people to town and provide residents the opportunity to buy fresh fruit and vegetables Farmers’ market idea strikes cord with council and other healthy products,” he said, adding that the lot is nearly empty on weekends. Echavaria said he had contacted surrounding businesses and they were supportive of the idea as a means of revitalizing the Wortendyke business area, particularly during the summer months. Councilman Nick Papapietro said the council should get the merchants’ input as well. Councilwoman Peet said the governing body should be careful not to preclude others from using the location. She said health consider- ations should also be addressed. Following an initial discussion at the June 25 council meeting, Monahan sent a letter to several local not-forprofit and charitable groups to see if they would want to “partner with the borough and run the market.” No organization has responded to date, according to Borough Administrator Michelle Dugan, but she urged any group that is interested to contact her at Borough Hall, 201-4455720. Great season Congratulations to the Midland Park Senior Girls Travel Softball Team for the second place finish at the BSASU Tournament held in Oakland. Front row: Tori Sneadar, Gabby Spatucci, Michelle Passaro, Courtney Englander, Leanna Agresta and Jenna Aballe. Middle row: Kaitlyn Desbiens, Tori Bell, Olivia D’Amato, Kim Rabiero, Alexa Borzotta, Emily Kline and Christine Kline. Back row: Coaches Heather Lightbody, Rich Formicola, Ron Agresta and Lisa Borzotta. Not pictured: Emily Luberto, Rebecca Rabiero and Amanda Parker. ree f 3-18-09 Janine AtlanticSteward6x6(2-25-09)