January 14, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • Page 7 Area McNerney announces flu clinics for county residents Two free flu clinics will be available to Bergen County residents age 65 and over. The first clinic will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 20 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Bergen County Department of Health Services in Room 202 of the Community Services Building located at 327 East Ridgewood Avenue in Paramus. A second clinic has been scheduled for Friday, Jan. 23 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in Room 465 of the County Administration Building, One Bergen County Plaza in Hackensack. “The best way to prevent the flu is to get vaccinated each year,” said McNerney. “In New Jersey, about 2,000 deaths per year are directly attributed to pneumonia and influenza; nearly 90 percent of these deaths occur among persons age 65 and over.” “According to health professionals, influenza season most often peaks in February, but influenza viruses can continue to cause illness into the spring,” said Freeholder Julie O’Brien. “Residents will continue to benefit from vaccinations they receive in December and January.” Flu shots will be administered at no cost to Bergen County residents age 65 and over who have a Medicare card with Part B/medical insurance coverage and who are not covered by an HMO. Residents ages 18 to 64 will be charged $15 for the vaccination. Checks made payable to the Bergen County Department of Health Services will be accepted. Residents who prefer to pay cash should bring exact change. For women who are pregnant, a doctor’s note is required in order to receive a flu shot. Certain people should not get a flu shot. Do not receive a flu shot if you have a fever, had a previous allergic reaction to the flu vaccine, or if you are allergic to eggs or Thimerosal, which contains mercury. Consult your physician or local hospital clinic before receiving a flu shot if you have an acute respiratory infection or other acute infectious condition. For more information on the flu clinics call (201) 634-2648. Contact the Bergen County Health Information Line at (201) 225-7000 for frequently asked questions about influenza or visit the department website at www.bergenhealth.org. Open On Mondays 36 Central Avenue, Midland Park 201-652-1222 GRAND OPENING Waldwick Location! of our Terry • Men, Women, Children • Hair Cuts and Color a y’ s s R aner FREE Piece C le Dry Cleaners Expert Tailoring • All Natural Process • Leather & Suede • Wedding Gowns • Curtains eaning of 5 p w ith a DRY CLEA NING w ith c : l e DayWORK DONE ON PREMISES S a m v i ce Ser Open Mon-Fri 7:30am-7pm; Sat 8am-5pm 20 Years Experience Tailor On Premises ith 2 eac With pieces of d h r t hi s ad • y cleaning Exp. 3 -1- 0 9 Shor Pants tenin lterati on of 2 pair ($ g Shirt s Lau 20 min). n $ 00 dered w ieces a $ t TAIL ORIN 2.99 ea. F R EE G: 1 ������������������� �������������������������� (next to Matthew’s Diner) 10 Franklin Tpke WALDWICK MIDLAND PARK (Godwin Plaza Shopping Center) 650 Godwin Ave 201-444-2513 201-251-4522