Midland Park January 14, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • Page 11 Midland Park Mayor Joseph Monahan asked borough residents to become more involved and offer input into ways to improve the community. “After a year where we were forced out of necessity to focus on expense management, we need to direct more effort on long-term strategic planning and economic development. I believe we are approaching the point of diminishing returns in scrutinizing expenses. Therefore we need to creatively and responsibly build revenue if we are to maintain our quality of life and services as the state continues to struggle and cut municipal aid,” said the mayor in his annual message during last week’s reorganization meeting of the mayor and council. “We will need the help of citizens and businesses alike,” he added. As he begins his second year as mayor, Monahan noted that he would like to continue last year’s efforts. “• In terms of relationships, we have come to understand each other better, but we need to let that understanding evolve into a stronger level of trust over time. “• With respect to fiscal management, we successfully managed through unprecedented state cuts (highest in Bergen County) with a tax increase of less than 4 percent as we evaluated every expense line and shared service opportunity. “• With respect to education, we continue to meet regularly with the board of Mayor urges greater resident involvement Students showcase ingenuity ed and partner on issues where we can assist each other like the new sprinklers at the high school field, the College Road tennis courts and lightning protection for our citizens, especially our precious children. In addition, we’ve made great progress this year with the public library’s new by-laws policies, procedures and survey of the public’s needs, which we will begin to act on in 2009 “• As far as communications, we launched our website earlier this year, but we need to leverage it more in conjunction with printed communications to proactively communicate progress, solicit public feedback and encourage participation in the governance of the borough,” he said. Councilwoman Nancy Peet thanked outgoing council members Ken Kruis and Marion Plumley for their service over the past three years. “We worked together as a team with commitment to our community. They did a wonderful job,” Peet said. Assemblyman Scott Rumana, who was in attendance at the meeting, pointed out that service at the local level is the most rewarding. “This is where it’s at. It is government in action, the truly hardworking level of government,” said Rumana, who served for many years as the mayor of Wayne before his election to the NJ Assembly. The winners are joined by the judges. Ms. DeRitter is second row, left. As part of an effort to rekindle the spirit of American ingenuity, the Midland Park School District recently held its first annual invention convention. Five students emerged with top honors at the Jan. 8 event. They were: --Peter Olohan, first grade --Jessica Wallace, third grade --Tess Steuerwald, fourth grade --Alana Krag, fifth grade --Jonathan Tanigaki, sixth grade The winning entries ranged from an improved means of feeding babies to an apparatus to aid those who are on crutches. BayerHealthCare supplied four judges for the event. They were joined by Nancy DeRitter, a science teacher at Midland Park High School. Keeping Families Warm Since 1929. Serving All Your Home Heating Needs Prompt, Reliable Service You Can Depend On, Plus The Personal Attention You Deserve. • Oil Heat Systems Serviced & Installed • Automatic Fuel Oil Deliveries • Tank Insurance Available Cash ts Discougn il n O On Heati s Deliverie 24 Hour 201-891-1000 Emergency Service ����������������������� Just as you are reading this ad, others are reading your ad. The Villadom TIMES is Your Neighborhood Newspaper Newspape ADVERTISER: Call 201-652-0744 today for more information