Page 22 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • February 25, 2009 CLASSIFIED
cont. from preceding page
and martyr. Great in Oh, (Never known to fail) virtue and rich in flower of Mt. most beautifulmiracles; near kinsman of vine, Christ; Carmel, fruitfulJesus splenfaithful intercessor of all dor of heaven, Mother of who invoke your special the Son of God. Immacupatronage in time of need. late Virgin, assist me in my To you I have Star of the necessity. Oh,recourse from the help me my heart and Sea, depth ofand show me, humbly beg to whom God herein you are my mother. has given such Mother of Oh, Holy Mary, great power to come to my assistance. God, Queen of Heaven and Help in my present Earth! Imehumbly beseech urgent the bottom of my you frompetition. In return I promise to make your this heart to succor me inname known There are none necessityand cause you to be can withstand pray that invoked. St. Jude, you for us all who me herein, power. Oh, show invoke your aid. Amen. mother. Our you are my Say three Oh, Fathers, Hail Marys and Mary, conceived without Glorias. Publication must sin, pray for us who have be promised. This novena recourse to thee (3x). Holy has never been cause to Mother, I place this known in fail. This (3x). Holy Spirit, your hands novena must be said for 9 consecutive days. you who solve all problems, My all roads so answered. light prayers were that I can Thank you, St. Jude. who attain my goals. YouJV gave me the divine gift to forgive and forget all evil Prayer to against me and that in all St. Clare instances in my life you are Askme, IClare in this favors, St. want for 3 short with 1 business, 2 impossible. prayer to thank you for all Say 9 Hail Marys for once things as you confirm 9 days with lighted candles. Pray again that I never want to be whether from you in eterseparatedyou believe or not. Publish the 9th day. “May nal glory. Thank you for your the Sacred Heart of Jesus mercy toward me and mine. be person adored & this The praised, must say glorified 3 consecutive day.” prayer today & everydays. Request will the request After 3 days, be granted no matter how This prayer will be granted.impossible it seems. Publication the must be published after must be promised. Thank you for favor is granted. Immaculate answering my prayers. for Heart of Mary, Thank youJV answering my prayers. KV
Franklin Lk-4 bdrm, 3 full baths. Newer kit. 2 car gar. Avail immed. 973-900-0388
Prayer Prayer to to Jude St. the Oh,BlessedJude, apostle Holy St. Virgin
Outdoor Vehicle Parking Rt. 17 Ramsey 201-327-1200 CALL FOR PRICE
Wanted - House or small comm. property that needs work, here or at shore. Mike 201-891-5450
FIREWOOD Hardwood/ Fruitwood. Hardwood & softwood mix - $300 for 2 cords. 201-825-8525/201-447-4474
I buy old wooded furniture Don’t drag it to the curg I’ll pay you for it Nancy 201-739-7478 Top Cash Paid for cars. Rust & dent repairs. Mobile Service. Up to 50% savings. Call Art 201-951-1810
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Ask St. Clare for 3 favors, 1 business, 2 impossible. Say 9 Hail Marys for 9 days with lighted candles. Pray whether you believe or not. Publish the 9th day. “May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised, adored & glorified today & every day.” Request will be granted no matter how impossible it seems. Publication must be promised. Thank you for answering my prayers. AG
Prayer to St. Clare
fied, loved and 3 favors, Ask St. Clare for preserved 1throughout theimpossible. business, 2 world now and Hail Marys for 9 Heart Say 9 forever. Sacred days of lighted candles. Pray with Jesus, pray for us St. Jude, you believe or not. whetherworker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, help Publish the 9th day. “May of Sacred Heart of for us. the the hopeless, prayJesus Say this prayer nine gloribe praised, adored × a day by the ninth day, your fied today & every day.” prayer will be answered. Request will be granted no Publication impossible it matter how must be promised. seems.Thank you St. must Publication Jude. JAR be promised. Thank you for answering my prayers. PM
Thank You St. Jude May the Sacred Heart of Prayer to Jesus St. Clare be adored, glori-
Place ����������� yours in ����������������������������� ������������������������ The Villadom Times
Classifieds work!
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SLEIGH/MISSION 1-5 Bedrooms Avail. ForeCarefully check your advertisiment the day it appears 1221 we can not be 796-6049 ex. since responsible for errors of any kind in subsequent editions of the same ad. Corrections and changes, however, will be gladly made.
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CRAFTED, DOVETAILED FURNITURE CALL Will Deliver. 412-4947351. 201-652-0744
B E D S - ” P L U S H / P I LLOWTOPS, PrayerORTHOPEDIC AND MEMORY to FULL...$169. the FOAM” Blessed Virgin QUEEN...$189. KING SIZE (Never known to NEW. MATTRESS, ALL fail) Oh, most beautiful flower of Mt. SEALED IN PLASTIC Carmel, fruitful vine, splenW/10 YR. WARRANTY dor of heaven, Mother of DELIVERY AVAILABLE the Son of God. PLEASE ImmacuIMMEDIATELY. late 412-787-9128 CALLVirgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh, Star of the Sea, help me and show me, BUILDINGMATERIALS herein you are my mother. HAS Holy Mary,BUILDING Oh, YOUR Mother of SHIFTED? Contact WoodGod, Queen of Heaven and ford Bros., Inc. for straightEarth! I humbly beseech ening, leveling, foundtion you from the bottom of my and wood frame repairs heart to succor me in this at 1-800-OLD-BARN. necessity There are none www.1-800-OLD-BARN.COM that can withstand you MDHIC#05-121-861 herein, power. Oh, show me you are my mother. Oh, BUSINESS Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who OPPORTUNITY have recourse to thee (3x). Holy Mother, I place this cause in 100% RECESSION your hands you Holy Spirit, PROOF! Do (3x).earn $800 you who solve all 25 Local in a day? Includes problems, light all roads Candy can Machines and so that I for attain Multi Vend, Inc. 1$9.995. my goals. You who gave me the 800-807-6486 divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me BUSINESSandlife you are TOthat in all instances in my BUSINESS in this short with me, I want prayer to you for all BUSINESSthank OWNER... things & Print MarketOnline as you confirm once again over 5.3 million ing tothat I never want to be separated all you in eterhouseholds fromat one time nal glory. Thank you for your throughout Pennsylvania, mercy toward Ohio, New New Jersey, me and mine. The Virginia, West this York, person must say Virprayer 3 consecutive days. ginia, Maryland, Delaware After 3 days, D.C. Call & Washington, the request will be granted. or visit 1-800-450-7227 This prayer must be published after the favor is granted. Immaculate Heart FOR SALE CARSof Mary, Thank you for answering my prayers. js $500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas/Chevys/Jeeps & Prayer More! Cars from $500! For to the Listings 800-719-5578 ext. A499 Blessed Virgin (Never known to fail) Oh, most beautiful FINANCIAL flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of heaven, Mother of NEED A LOAN? No Credit? the Credit? Bankruptcy? Bad Son of God. Immaculate Virgin, assist me PerRepo? Foreclosure? in my snecessity.t o - C o n s o lof a o n a l - A u Oh, Star i d the Sea, B u s i n s s L o a me, t i o n - help meeand -show n s herein you are my mother. Available “Helping people Oh, Holy problems since with Credit Mary, Mother of God, Financial Specialty 1991” Queen of Heaven and Earth! I humbly beseech Services. 800-654-1816 you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this $$$ACCESS LAWSUIT necessity There are none CASH NOW!! As seen on that can withstand you TV, Injury Lawsuit Dragpower. Oh, show me herein, ging? Need $500-$500,000 you are my mother. Oh, ++ within 24/hrs after Mary, conceived without approval? Compare our low sin, pray for us who have rates, APPLY NOW 1-888recourse to thee (3x). Holy 888-5152 Mother, I place this cause in your hands (3x). FURNITURE Holy Spirit, you who solve all problems, light all roads so that I can BEDROOM 8-PIECE $975 attain my goals. WOOD NEW BOXED, ALLYou who gave me the divine gift to SLEIGH/MISSION WITH forgive forget all evil 10-YEARand WARRANTY. against me SET. HANDMATTRESS and that in all instances my life you are CRAFTED,in DOVETAILED with me, I want in412-494this short FURNITURE prayer to thank 7351. Will Deliver. you for all things as you confirm once again that I never want to be BseparatedPfrom S H / in I L E D S - ” L U you P eterLOWTOPS, ORTHOnal glory. Thank you for your PEDIC toward me and mine. mercy AND MEMORY FOAM” FULL...$169. The person must say this QUEEN...$189. KING SIZE prayer 3 consecutive days MATTRESS, ALL request After 3 days, the NEW. SEALED IN PLASTIC will be granted. This prayer W/10 be published after the must YR. WARRANTY DELIVERY AVAILABLE favor is granted. Immaculate IMMEDIATELY.Thank you for PLEASE Heart of Mary, CALL 412-787-9128 answering my prayers. pc
POST OFFICE HIRING NATIONALLY! Avg. pay $20/hr, $57K/yr, incl Fed ben, OT optional fee-based test prep materials, not affliiated with the US Postal Service. 1-866-835-0769
Insurance survey
(continued from page 10) Owners of expensive homes need to consider whether a low deductible makes sense. If someone steals the TV, it isn’t going to break the bank. However, the same consumers need lots of insurance for a total catastrophe, or if they get sued. Therefore, they may want to take a $1,000 deductible and use the savings, which can be 10 to 20 percent, and buy a reasonably priced “umbrella liability” policy to give them $1 million or $2 million of coverage. Though many people now have computers at home, a standard homeowners’ policy will cover most personal computer equipment. If you have a home with the structure insured for $100,000, you typically have $50,000 of personal property coverage, including computer equipment not used for business. If used for business, the policy typically provides $1,500 or $2,500 of coverage for computers. Only people with home-based businesses, laptops used for business outside the home, or elaborate high-tech equipment need to consider extra coverage, but it is usually cheaper to buy an endorsement to the home or home-business policy rather than a separate computer policy. This concept holds true for cancer insurance, trip-specific life insurance, and other specific policies. About 54 percent of homeowners thought their current policies would cover them if they suddenly had to put their home up for sale during the period of time from which they vacated to when the sale was finalized, or simply did not know if they would be covered. The types of losses that can occur when homes are unoccupied are typically excluded by homeowners’ policies. There may be no coverage for vandalism, plumbing leaks, and glass breakage. In addition, eligibility for a homeowners’ policy usually requires that the insured persons own and occupy the home. If the homeowners no longer reside in the home, many policies may no longer cover damage to the home and this coverage gap could extend to a mortgage company. This gap could apply even if a family member or tenant has moved into the home or checks it regularly. Consult with your agent prior to vacating a home and ask about the feasibility of purchasing a policy to protect you if your home is vacant. Only 30 percent of homeowners thought their policies covered them if they were to temporarily rent their home. The survey also showed that 53 percent did not think they would be covered; 16 percent did not know. For the most part, you are covered if your tenants are temporary. However, there may be some limitations on property losses if premises are rented, but not a wholesale lack of coverage. For example, there is no coverage for rental of a detached structure on the premises unless it is used as a private garage. Theft coverage is usually suspended for the area occupied by the renter and there may be no coverage for damage to the renter’s personal property. Allen & Allen Insurance Agency is a Trusted Choice® agency that represents multiple insurance companies, so it offers a variety of personal and business coverage choices and can customize an insurance plan. This firm adheres to a pledge of performance, committing them to providing excellent customer service. Visit Allen & Allen online at or call (201) 891-8790.
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Mock trial
(continued from page 6) Hills students, Urdang emphasized. She said the team’s season began in mid-September. By November, the team was meeting three times a week. The meetings increased to four weekdays and Saturdays right up to the competition. “The students worked extremely hard for this welldeserved success,” Urdang said. “We also received wonderful help, insight, and advice from our attorney coach, Linda Schwager of Oakland, who gave up many hours of her work and personal time to work with us as a vital part of our team.” Urdang added, “I expected this to be a rebuilding year. However, the underclassmen and the seniors together built an amazingly strong team that far surpassed even their own expectations. Their intelligence, dedication, integrity, and character were evident in the way they worked together to make this such a strong team. They were a delight to coach, and I am already looking forward to next year’s season, although I will miss my seniors.” The team will receive the competition’s silver bowl trophy with the school’s name engraved on it on May 1.
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