Page 8 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • February 18, 2009 FLOW Notes ‘Mardi Gras Madness comes to IHHS Indian Hills High School seniors will celebrate “Mardi Gras Madness,” a night of fashion, food, and prizes on Friday, March 6. The public is invited to attend this fundraiser for the class of 2009, which will feature food, fashion, and prizes. The doors will open at 6 p.m., and the show will start promptly at 7:30 p.m. The fashion show will be held at Indian Hills High School. All proceeds will benefit Project Graduation 2009, a safe way for seniors to celebrate graduation. Purchase tickets in advance and receive a $3 discount. Contact Isabelle Perkins at (201) 848-0394. Fashion Show fundraiser planned The Ramapo Senior Class will present “Ramapo Does Broadway” on Wednesday, March 18 at the Brownstone, 351 West Broadway in Paterson. This event will include dinner, a fashion show, and special fundraisers. Proceeds will benefit Project Graduation. Tickets are $47.50 per adult and $35 per student. Call Liz at (201) 560-1056. Donations sought for FLOW Follies A special fundraiser will be held to benefit the FLOW Follies scholarship fund that benefits graduating seniors from Ramapo and Indian Hills. Donations are being accepted from individuals and businesses for goods and services to make up the prize baskets. Contact Evelina Del Duca at (201) 848-0622 or or visit to make a donation. Funds are raised through gate receipts from the musical variety show, “Friends of FLOW Follies” family memberships, program ad sales, and an auction fundraiser held in conjunction with the four performances. This year’s performances will be held March 12, 13, 14 and 15. The Student Councils from Ramapo and Indian Hills (I.H.) held a special fundraiser for Breast Cancer Research in honor of Indian Hills Coach Kim Tanis who is being treated for the disease. Over $4,000 was raised in the sale of these special shirts at the recent Ramapo vs Indian Hills girls basketball game. All attendees wore the shirt for a “Pink Out”. From left to right: Ms. White (I.H. advisor), Kathy Scarpelli (RIH Board of Education), Ms. Fanale (Ramapo) , Josephine D’Amico (Ramapo), Matthew Scheff (Ramapo), Samantha Fischer (I.H.), Patrick Bunting (Ramapo) and Andre Jordan (Ramapo). In the Pink! In Home PERSONAL TRAINING • Flexible Scheduling • Nutrition Guidance • Sports Specific Training • Men, Women, Children & Couples With Brad Non-Medical Home Care Services ������������������ ��������������������� ������������������� ��������� �������������� �������������� ��������������� �������� �������� ���������� �������� ��������������� ���������������������� � ����������� �������� � ���������� Lose 20 lbs in 10 Weeks Insured Degreed & Certified For Free Consultation call: TONE UP/LOSE FAT/ FEEL GREAT 201-925-0381 345 Route 17 South • Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 • 1-201-962-3222 ComForcare Services For Peace of Mind Call Today Break the Highway Trend! ...not your community’s back. Local businesses are the backbone of your community and the trend to shop the big guys on the highway hurts us all.Your local businesses have what you want... at the right price... and close to home. So, why hassle with the highways? Save Time! Save Gas! Save Money! SAVE YOUR COMMUNITY! We Need You SHOP LOCALLY. IT’S SMART. ...and besides, it’s so convenient!