February 11, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • Page 15
Franklin Lakes Scribe
Lenten Reflection Series offered The Church of the Most Blessed Sacrament invites the public to its Lenten Reflection Series, which will be held March 8 through 10 at 7:30 p.m. Father Edward F. Salmon S.J., religious superior of the America House Jesuit Community in New York City, will be the presenter. Father Salmon’s topic will be “God’s Gifts during Lent: Love, Light, Life.” Father Salmon also serves as the chaplain for the adult community of Regis High School in Manhattan. He is a noted retreat director and speaker at spiritual centers and parishes throughout the country. All talks will be held at the Church of the Most Blessed Sacrament located at 787 Franklin Lake Road in Franklin Lakes. Valley Auxiliary meeting highlights opportunities The Franklin Lakes Branch of the Valley Hospital Auxiliary will hold a meeting on Monday, Feb. 23, at 10:30 a.m. at the Franklin Lakes Library on DeKorte Drive. This meeting will cover a variety of topics including volunteer opportunities at alley Hospital in Ridgewood. The meeting is open to the community and auxiliary members from other Bergen County branches. In 2008, the Franklin Lakes Branch of the Valley Hospital Auxiliary experienced a record year. During its brief history, the branch has attracted 66 members, sponsored two fundraisers, and contributed to Valley Hospital’s Giving Tree and the Adopt-AFamily Program. Additional activities are being planned. For further information, call Eileen Leone at (201) 848-9330. Chamber of Commerce hosts business card exchange The Franklin Lakes Chamber of Commerce will host a business card exchange on Wednesday, Feb. 18. The event will be held at Endless Vine, 823 Franklin Lake Road, from 6 to 8 p.m. The cost is $20 for members and $25 for non-members. Included will be wine and hors d’oeuvres. For more information, contact Pat Mazzacano at (201) 970-5713 or visit to www.flcoc.org. Prepaid registration is due by Feb. 13. Library offers computer classes The Franklin Lakes Library will offer GOOGLE It! on Wednesday, Feb. 18 from 11 to noon. What is E-mail and Why Should You Care? will be offered on Monday, Feb. 23 from 7 to 8 p.m. Sign up for these individual classes by calling the adult reference desk at (201) 891-2224. Library presents movie matinees Friday Movie Matinees will be presented at the Franklin Lakes Library on Friday, Feb. 13 and 20 at 1 p.m. See two newly-released DVDs free of charge. Call the library for more information. Refreshments will be served. All are welcome to attend. No registration is required. Levy gives talk on Johnny Carson The program “Here’s Johnny: The Comedy of Johnny Carson” will be given on Wednesday, Feb. 11 from 10 to noon
by Bill Levy at the Franklin Lakes Public Library. Take a walk down memory lane as Levy speaks on Carson’s life and shares video clips and vignettes of Johnny’s career and life on television. Coffee, tea and refreshments will be served. Registration is not necessary. All are welcome to attend. Fermi to present genealogy lecture On March 10, the Franklin Lakes Public Library will host Larry Fermi, an expert in family history research. Fermi will present a genealogy lecture at 7 p.m.
Fermi focuses on European immigration during the peak periods of the 19th and early 20th centuries. He will discuss how to use United States records to determine the city and country of origin of an immigrant ancestor or relative. This lecture covers documents like birth, marriage and death certificates, census records, naturalization forms, social security death records, and passenger lists. For further information, contact Samantha McCoy at the Franklin Lakes Library at (201) 891-2224. The Franklin Lakes Library is located at 470 DeKorte Drive.
FLOW Notes
‘Mardi Gras Madness comes to IHHS
Indian Hills High School seniors will celebrate “Mardi Gras Madness,” a night of fashion, food, and prizes on Friday, March 6. The public is invited to attend this fundraiser for the class of 2009, which will feature food, fashion, and prizes. The doors will open at 6 p.m., and the show will start promptly at 7:30 p.m. The fashion show will be held at Indian Hills High School. All proceeds will benefit Project Graduation 2009, a safe way for seniors to celebrate graduation. Purchase tickets in advance and receive a $3 discount. For information, contact Isabelle Perkins at (201) 848-0394. Fashion Show fundraiser planned The Ramapo Senior Class will present “Ramapo Does Broadway” on Wednesday, March 18 at the Brownstone, 351 West Broadway in Paterson. This event will include dinner, a fashion show, and special fundraisers. Proceeds will benefit Project
Graduation. Tickets are $47.50 per adult and $35 per student. For ticket information, call Liz at (201) 560-1056. Donations sought for FLOW Follies A special fundraiser will be held to benefit the FLOW Follies scholarship fund that benefits graduating seniors from Ramapo and Indian Hills. Donations are being accepted from individuals and businesses for goods and services to make up the prize baskets. Contact Evelina Del Duca at (201) 848-0622 or ERD4444@aol.com or visit www.FLOWfollies.org to make a donation. FLOW Follies is a non-profit organization. Over the years, FLOW Follies has raised more than $325,000 in scholarship awards. Funds are raised through gate receipts from the musical variety show, “Friends of FLOW Follies” family memberships, program ad sales, and an auction fundraiser held in conjunction with the four performances. This year’s performances will be held March 12, 13, 14 and 15.
F O CUS on Franklin Lakes Businesses
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The Villadom TIMES is pleased to offer you the opportunity to showcase your business and staff in its annual special section, focusing on you... the merchants of Franklin Lakes. Let us compose a high performance “Pictorial”advertisement that will give your local consumers the opportunity to get to know you and the special way you conduct your business.
Publication Date: Wednesday, March 4, 2009 Reservation Deadline: Wednesday, February 25
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The Villadom TIMES is your community newspaper, delivered by US mail to every residence in the following Bergen County towns, with a total circulation of 56,300: Zone 1: Midland Park, Franklin Lakes, Wyckoff Zone 2: Ridgewood, Glen Rock Zone 3: Allendale, Ho-Ho-Kus, Waldwick, Saddle River, Upper Saddle River Zone 4: Ramsey, Mahwah
Call Pat
Call Pat today at The Villadom TIMES to place your advertisement in this special supplement. Be sure to reserve early to allow our staff to produce a section you will be proud to participate in.
Jose A. Godoy
Senior Consultant
Phone: 954-584-3308 Fax: 954-584-3309 Cell: 954-275-3631 E-Mail: jgodoy@buildingexteriorconsultants.com
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