Midland Park
February 4, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • Page 9
The Midland Park school district is hosting two student teachers from Lyons, France under a unique exchange program being coordinated in the area by Superintendent of Schools Dr. William Heebink. The teachers-in-training, Charlotte Edouard and Lorianne Belin, have both completed their teacher certification and are now engaged in a special type of internship experience. Both are fluent in English, but are here to further develop their English skills and learn about American education in a first-hand manner, according to Dr. Heebink.. Both interns are out of the Universite Claude-Bernard in Lyon. The objectives of their program are to gain a better understanding of the school system - experience similarities and differences in teaching methods and classroom management – and to have the opportunity to discover some aspects of the culture of a foreign country. Since arriving in the district in mid-January, they have been teaching about 15 hours in their elementary assignments. They have also been spending at least one day a week with Bonnie Platter, the Midland Park High School French instructor, assisting in the middle school French classes and interacting with the French club at MPHS. During her month in Midland Park, Belin is staying with Irene and Bob Schiffer. Her cooperating teacher at Highland School is Alison Deeney, a sixth grade language arts instructor. Over the past five years, Belin has also spent ten months in Dublin and three months in Boston. She has a degree in English, as well as a First Certificate in English, which she passed in Dublin. Belin comes from a family of six, which includes an older sister who is an architect, a younger sister who is studying to be a nurse, and a 14-year-old brother.
French teachers intern at local schools
Edouard is staying with Edwige Pierre-Louis and John Mion, who have three daughters attending MPHS. Her cooperating teacher is Laurie Troisi, a fourth grade teacher at Highland. Edouard has spent a cumulative four months in England and one week in Canada over the past five years. She has a degree in English and has passed the TOEFL, the Test of English as a Foreign Language. Her family of seven includes an older sister, a younger sister, and two younger brothers. Dr. Heebink noted that while there may be some miscellaneous costs, the program is of little to no cost to the school system. The student teachers pay for their own
transportation to the country, all school meals, and other personal costs. Dr. Heebink pointed out, however, that the benefits to the district, are many, including giving students in general exposure to the French language and culture, and providing the high school French students the opportunity for direct instructional contact with a native speaker who is aware of the most recent idioms in the language.. Dr. Heebink expects the program to grow into the high school level. He also hopes to work with some area university to coordinate a reciprocal program in France, since the French partners are willing to host American teachers in return.
Library sets children’s activities
A Valentine’s Day Craft is planned for children at the Midland Park Library for Feb. 11 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Sign up in the children’s room. The Second Annual Lego Contest, sponsored by the Friends of the Midland Park Library, is underway. Submissions can be dropped off in the children’s room by Feb. 25. The Lego Awards Ceremony will be held on Friday, Feb. 27 at 3:30 p.m. A Saint Patrick’s Day craft is planned for Monday, March 16 from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Sign up in the children’s room. The Barking Book Buddies love to hear stories read to them by young patrons. Phoebe and Blackjack are available alternating Monday evenings, Champ is available on Wednesday afternoons, and Cosmo is available Thursday afternoons. Stop in or call to experience this wonderful program. Reading skills and confidence grow in this nonjudgmental setting. Registration for Winter Story Time will take place in the children’s room Feb. 23 through 27. The following Story Times are available: for three to five years, Tuesdays at 2 p.m. March 3 through 24, or Thursdays at 11:15, March 5 through 26; for two-year-olds, Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. March 4 through 24. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Story times will include stories, music and crafts. For questions regarding children’s room programs, contact Courtney Laverty at the library (201) 444-2390. The Midland Park Memorial Library is located at 250 Godwin Avenue.
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