December 16, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • Page 5 Midland Park Holiday helpings The Midland Park High School PTA recently sponsored a food drive at the November Market Day sale to benefit the Love Fund. Also at the sale, two students presented representatives from the Love Fund with monetary donations from their birthday money. Pictured are Robert Bandstra, Laurie Kamp, Michele Nejmeh and Brian Bandstra. The new outdoor basketball courts off Dairy Street in Midland Park will not get a canopy after all. The borough council last week dropped the project and asked Bergen County Open Space and Recreation Trust Fund officials to fund new barrier-free bleachers for the Johnny Vander Meer field instead. The 60 by 100-ft. canopy had come under fire from Woodside Avenue neighbors who objected to the 16-ft high structure three feet from their property line. James Trommelen of Woodside Avenue, speaking at the council meeting, called the proposed canopy “massive and unsightly.” “A canopy of this size will exacerbate the noise already coming from the courts,” he said, adding that the structure would not protect people from rain or snow and that the support steel poles would be a potential safety hazard to young children. Trommelen suggested that the money would be better spent erecting “modest size” structures near playgrounds to serve as shelters for spectators. Since the county trust fund had already allocated $106,000 for the project, county officials agreed to allow Midland Park to submit a substitute application for the money. The total estimated cost of the project was $212,000, with the other half coming from the borough’s own open space trust fund. The council decided to apply for $142,000 to replace the bleachers, with the $70,000 balance allocated for general Plans for canopy dropped field improvements. Half of these funds would come from the grant, to be matched with funds from the borough’s open space fund. The council had this project ready to go because it had just been rejected for an ADA Community Development allocation. If approved, however, that application would have paid for 100 percent of the project, without the need for matching funds. The governing body discussed briefly whether this was a desirable use for the borough’s open space funds. “Are there more important items, or do we hold off for a higher and better longterm project,” he said. Noting that additional playing fields are needed in town, Councilwoman Nancy Peet questioned whether the funds could be used to fix the fields on board of education property. Councilman Bernie Holst said the field improvement process could be started and additional funds allocated in the future. According to Borough Administrator Michelle Dugan, approximately $85,000 go into the local open space fund each year, based on the general property valuation. Since the Community Development application for the bleachers had been rejected, the borough was also allowed to submit an alternate application in the same amount to that agency. The council voted to apply for new ADA entrance/exits doors at the DePhillips Center in the area of the new elevator. Full Service Salon for Men, Women and Children 644 Godwin Ave • 20-22 Godwin Plaza Midland Park NJ 07432 201-251-1234 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all! We thank our clients for their patronage. We are a team of experienced professionals whose aim is to meet your hair’s needs. Open Tues-Sat 9am-6pm; Wed & Thurs 9am-8:30pm Call us Today Free Consultation (Appointment Necessary) ����������������������� �������������������������������� Hairtique3x3(12-16-09)A �������������������� For Ester from Allison ��������������������������� ���������������������� ����������������������� ������� ��������� ������������ �������������������������������������� ����������������������������������� �������� ����������������������� ������������������������� �������������������� ������������