Page 10 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • December 16, 2009 Franklin Lakes Open House sign policy extended in borough by Frank J. McMahon The Franklin Lakes Council has extended by two months the time period during which Realtors will be permitted to use directional signs for Open House events. The signs were allowed in a resolution approved in June. The resolution allowed the signs for a six-month period. No more than one sign per intersection was allowed, and the signs must all be placed in the public rights of way and not interfere with sight distances. The size of the signs must also comply with the borough’s sign ordinance. The two month extension will provide the council time to discuss the results of the trial period and to decide if the current ordinance should be amended to permit the directional signs on a permanent basis. Tamar “Tommi” Joffe, the manager of the Weichert Realtors office in Franklin Lakes, attended the recent council meeting and advised the governing body that all the Realtors working in Franklin Lakes are thrilled that they can put up directional signs in the borough. She provided several letters from Realtors confirming that after the directional signs were permitted in June, attendance at the Open Houses increased and the added exposure brought more buyers and more offers. “I encourage you to make this resolution permanent,” Joffe said. “We have to stimulate the economy in Franklin Lakes.” Thomas Surlak, a Realtor and Summit Avenue resident, told the council that other towns allow the signs and Franklin Lakes would not be unique if it did so. Another Realtor, Bruce Shapiro, claimed that Open Houses sell houses and eight out of 10 people attending these events say they saw the signs and followed them. According to Joffe, there was a 63 month inventory of houses on the market in Franklin Lakes in June, and it was higher in the summer. But that inventory is now down to a 12 month inventory and there are 116 houses in Franklin Lakes on the market right now with 10 placed under contract during the past month. “Open House directional signs help to sell houses,” Joffe said after the meeting, pointing out that attendance at these events is up by 100 percent. Construction Official and Zoning Officer Kevin Burnette advised that there are many “for sale” signs in the borough for which permits have not been obtained. He pointed out that he found recently there were over 100 signs without permits. Mayor Maura DeNicola asked the Realtors at the meeting to help get the word out to other Realtors that permits are required before “for sale” signs can be installed. Burnette advised there is the potential of a $50 fine for not obtaining such a permit. Joffe agreed to work with the borough in getting the Realtors to obtain those permits before posting the signs. Mayor recognizes club on its 60th anniversary Franklin Lakes Mayor Maura DeNicola recently honored the Woman’s Club of Franklin Lakes with a proclamation in recognition of the club’s 60th anniversary. A holiday luncheon and celebration of the club’s milestone were held on Dec. 9 at the Indian Trail Club. The Woman’s Club of Franklin Lakes was formed in October 1949 by 17 civicminded women. They joined the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs in December 1949. Since then, the club has undertaken countless projects and supported dozens of community programs. DeNicola listed some of those projects and programs in her proclamation; they include forming the public library association, which is now the Franklin Lakes Public Library, and fulfilling a pledge of $10,000 to the library’s expansion program; donating to the Franklin Lakes Ambulance Corps; furnishing a reading corner in the library of the Franklin Avenue Middle School; helping to establish the Franklin Lakes Senior Citizens’ Club and the Franklin Lakes Meals on Wheels program; meeting the ongoing needs of the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation’s Food Pantry, and adopting two Emmanuel Cancer Foundation families. DeNicola also pointed out that the Woman’s Club has worked with both the Shelter Our Sisters and the Strengthen Our Sisters shelters with clothing drives, children’s parties, and various programs and donations. The club’s members installed “Welcome to Franklin Lakes” signs at each point of entry to the municipality with proceeds from the borough’s first House Tour. In addition, he Woman’s Club has purchased hanging baskets and displays for the borough’s lampposts; worked with New Jersey Audubon’s Lorrimer Sanctuary to enlarge its Butterfly Garden; sponsored the borough’s annual blood drive; and supported the local high schools with their Holiday Festival and Project Graduation programs. The Woman’s Club provides scholarship funding for graduating seniors at local high schools, supports and participates in the borough’s annual fair, and provides financial support to many additional local community organizations. “I do hereby honor and congratulate the Woman’s Club of Franklin Lakes on its 60th anniversary, and thank its members for their steadfast selfless commitment to our community,” DeNicola stated. 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