Page 20 THE VILLADOM TIMES I, II, III & IV • August 26, 2009
(continued from Restaurant page) suspended, but takes it upon himself to track down the killers to regain his honor and reputation. The other films are “Cruel Gun Story” (1964), about a mob heist, and “A Colt Is My Passport,” about a hit man caught between rival gangs. “American Son” (Miramax Home Entertainment), a nominee for the 2008 Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Award, spotlights 19-year-old Marine Mike Holland (Nick Cannon) who, after completing basic training at Camp Pendleton, spends a four-day Thanksgiving leave with his family and friends in Bakersfield, California. Mike cannot bring himself to tell them what comes next for him: deployment to Iraq for his first tour of duty. As Mike attempts to reconnect with his Mom (April Grace), stepfather (Tom Sizemore), and sister (Erica Gluck), and say goodbye to his troubled best friend, Jake (Matt O’Leary), before shipping out, he becomes distracted by his uncertain future. Instead of spending time with his disintegrating family or his lifelong friend, all he can think about is seeing Cristina (Melonie Diaz), a young woman he casually flirted with on the bus into town. “American Son” shows the conflict young people face as they undertake a mission they know will present daily life-or-death situations. It is about taking stock of what is really important and acting on it, rather than sticking with
an unfulfilling status quo. Cannon is very good as Mike and viewers can easily sympathize with him having to make decisions without enough time to think them through completely. Though he is not yet dealing with tanks, mortars, and roadside bombs, the war is already taking its toll. Bonus features include a behind-the-scenes featurette, audio commentary with director Neil Abramson, and deleted scenes. Lucille Ball will forever be remembered for “I Love Lucy,” the iconic sitcom that set the standard for hit TV comedy. After “I Love Lucy” finished its run in 1957, Lucy starred for several years on “The Lucy Show.” Then, in 1968, she started her third sitcom, “Here’s Lucy,” which ran until 1974. “Here’s Lucy: Season One” (MPI Home Video) finds Lucy Carter (Ball), widowed mother of Kim and Craig (Lucie Arnaz, Desi Arnaz Jr.), working for brother-in-law Harry’s (Gale Gordon) employment agency. Lucy gets into assorted conflicts at the agency and with its clients, and the episodes have generous doses of sight gags and Ball’s masterful physical comedy. Vivian Vance made numerous guest appearances. Other guests who appeared during its six-year run include Carol Burnett, Eva Gabor, Jack Benny, Jackie Gleason, Joan Rivers, and Wayne Newton. In addition to 24 remastered episodes, the four-disc set contains videotaped episode introductions, a new featurette called “Meet the Carters,” home movies and behind-the-scenes footage, bloopers and outtakes, episode promos, production files, a lost “Let’s Talk to Lucy” radio show, screen tests for Lucie Arnaz and Desi Arnaz Jr., and a featurette about the making of the main title sequence. it incorporates an unforced political theme that considerably enriches the movie. The actors are all unknowns, adding to the credibility of the story. They look, act, and sound like the real thing. The staged TV news segments that appear throughout suggest the audience is watching actual events occurring in real time. This gives the movie immediacy and pumps up suspense. “District 9” is one of the best science fiction films I have seen in the last five years. Don’t miss it.
ARIES - Mar 21/Apr ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 2020 This could one of those weeks This could bebe one of those weeks where you have a of nervous where you have a lotlot of nervous energy but don’t know just how energy but don’t know just how to to put it use. Try exercising to reduce put it to to use. Try exercising to reduce feelings anxiety. feelings of of anxiety. TAURUS - Apr 21/May TAURUS - Apr 21/May 2121 You have big plans for your future, You have big plans for your future, but haven’t yet begun execute but haven’t yet begun to to execute them, Taurus. Use this week mull them, Taurus. Use this week to to mull over your goals and write down over your goals and write down a a firm plan attack. firm plan of of attack. GEMINI - May 22/Jun GEMINI - May 22/Jun 2121 An idea that’s been buzzing your An idea that’s been buzzing in in your head will sound pretty advantageous head will sound pretty advantageous to to higher-ups at work, Gemini. Exhigher-ups at work, Gemini. Expect winning reactions from them, but pect winning reactions from them, but looks jealousy from co-workers. looks of of jealousy from co-workers. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 2222 A A fascinating conversation is at fascinating conversation is at the heart your week, Cancer. It the heart of of your week, Cancer. It will bring resolution the conflict will bring resolution to to the conflict you’ve been facing lately. Just don’t you’ve been facing lately. Just don’t celebrate too soon. celebrate too soon. LEO - Jul 23/Aug LEO - Jul 23/Aug 2323 Check your bank balance a little more Check your bank balance a little more frequently this week, Leo. financial frequently this week, Leo. A A financial faux pas may leave you with less faux pas may leave you with less cash than you had expected your cash than you had expected in in your account. account. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 2222 If If you want to enjoy the most from you want to enjoy the most from the week, Virgo, a a special partner the week, Virgo, letlet special partner take the lead. Being charge of take the lead. Being in in charge of planning activities the time can be planning activities allall the time can be draining. Leave it another. draining. Leave it to to another. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 2323 This a a perfect time clean out the This is is perfect time to to clean out the clutter that has been accumulating clutter that has been accumulating in in your home or office. Dig through your home or office. Dig through the mess and get your stuff order the mess and get your stuff in in order before it invades your life. before it invades your life. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 2222 You need find a a way enjoy yourYou need to to find way to to enjoy yourself now that there so much work self now that there is is so much work onon your plate, Scorpio. A vacation or your plate, Scorpio. A vacation or at at least few days away from the job least a a few days away from the job are order. are in in order. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 2121 You’re feeling the mood to You’re feeling in in the mood to decorate, Sagittarius, take on a decorate, Sagittarius, or or take on a home-remodeling project. Enlist home-remodeling project. Enlist a a few helping hands the job could few helping hands or or the job could become unmanageable. become unmanageable. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 2020 As a hard-working Capricorn As a hard-working Capricorn it it comes no surprise that dedication comes as as no surprise that dedication is is the way to tackle tasks. Yet, even the way to tackle tasks. Yet, even the most stoic go-getters need a break the most stoic go-getters need a break once a a while. Enjoy once in in while. Enjoy it. it. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 1818 A A financial gain makes spending on financial gain makes spending on big-ticket items that more doable, big-ticket items that more doable, Aquarius. Just sure not to go Aquarius. Just bebe sure not to go overboard, else you’ll be digging overboard, or or else you’ll be digging yourself out quicksand. yourself out of of quicksand. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar20 PISCES - Feb 19/Mar20 You will have tons energy this You will have tons of of energy this week, Pisces, and you can direct it week, Pisces, and you can direct it in in any way you’d like. Spend some time any way you’d like. Spend some time with a loved one. with a loved one.
‘District 9’
(continued from Entertainment page) that the viewer gets lost in the sheer moviemaking magic. Rated R for violence and strong language, “District 9” is an original. Though it uses plot points from other films,
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