August 19, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES I & III • Page 13
Pack a ‘greener’ brown bag lunch this school year
(ARA) Being eco-friendly isn’t just limited to the car you drive or the appliances you buy, and it doesn’t have to mean sacrificing convenience, quality or budget. In fact, it’s time to stop worrying about not being able to do it all ����������������������������� and make a few small changes to help the environment. One easy way to live a more earth-conscious lifestyle is ������������ to turn brown bag lunches green this school year. By thinking green every time you pack a lunch, you can save money �������������������� and take a small step forward for the environment. Do right by your wallet and the environment with these simple tips: ������������������ Buy local foods. Look for a farmer’s market or grocery store that promotes locally grown and produced food. Local foods are produced close to home and deliver the freshest taste. Buying local supports a more sustainable food system, since real sustainability goes beyond the methods used in food production. The closer a food source is to where you live, the less fuel it will take to get it to your table. Tote a reusable lunch bag Instead of using an old-school brown paper bag, invite your kids to help pick out a reusable lunch bag. This small lesson in sustainability is an easy way for kids to help the environment. Older kids won’t have to settle for a lunch box covered in cartoon characters; stylish bags are available that will satisfy even the pickiest student. Many reusable bags are insulated to help keep lunches cool. Reusable lunch bags come in a variety of fabrics from neoprene, recycled plastics, polyester and canvas. Try sandwich bags that are better for the environment. Feel better about using plastic sandwich bags to pack your family’s lunch with new products such as Ziploc evolve sandwich and storage bags. The protective, ultra-light bags are made using 25 percent less plastic than traditional sandwich bags, and manufactured using wind power – a cleaner, renewable energy source. The bags are also manufactured with less energy overall, which is a step towards reducing greenhouse gasses. Double up on the fruits and vegetables. Make lunches extra green by packing plenty of fruits and vegetables. You will encourage a lifetime of healthy eating habits by making fruits and vegetables part of every meal, including lunch. Additionally, whole foods typically consume less energy and water compared with processed foods. Teach children to eat a colorful variety of fruits and vegetables to get the most nutrients. Think beyond carrot sticks and apples and try a simple salad of red peppers, cucumbers and green beans dressed with vinegar.
The Wireless
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Tuesdays/Wednesdays from Noon – 4:30pm & Thursdays from 10:30 – 1:00 16 & 18 Godwin Plaza, Godwin Avenue, Midland Park, NJ 07432
Directors/Teachers: Ann Clark Van Hine & Carol Ferro Maffei Teachers: Jes Kelly & Dena Malarek