August 5, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • Page 3
Midland Park
Midland Park is trying again to secure state funds for the reconstruction of Spruce Street and Highwood Avenue. A similar application to the NJ Department of Transportation Municipal Aid program last year was not funded. The entire project, which is to include drainage, curbing and resurfacing of the mile-long connector roadway, is expected
Town to try again for Spruce/Highwood grant
to cost $400,000. The borough plans to complete the work over two years and is seeking $250,000 for the first phase. The work will also include improving the alignment of Spruce Street at the intersection with Pine Street, channeling traffic by the use of painted edge lines. The present condition creates sight distance problems and an almost-stop condition on a through street. The roadway, which varies in width, will be paved at a uniform width of 29 ft. New curbs will delineate the edge of the pavement for added safety and to control drainage flow and thus avoid flooding of roadway and private property. Spruce Street residents have been complaining about flooding for years. The development, known as “The Estates”, was built after World War II with no storm drainage system. A number of years ago the borough provided relief to the worst-affected area by channeling storm water down the ravine to Monroe Street in Ridgewood. No new sidewalks are proposed because of the limited width of the street
and the additional cost. The existing sidewalks on both sides of Spruce between Pine and Prospect streets will remain. Previous projects funded with DOT funds included the reconstruction of Bank Street, Greenwood and Paterson avenues and the repaving of Sicomac and Franklin avenues, among others. Bank Street was done in three stages due to the cost and the fact that DOT had an annual grant cap of $150,000. Grants consultant Marlene Casey of Capital Alternatives, who secured the grant for the borough, said that last year the DOT removed the cap because it was limiting larger worthy projects which would take too long to complete in $150,000 sections.
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