Page 6 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • April 22, 2009
Our hat’s off to: Grace Nursery School for the recent drive, and Stonybrook School’s third, fourth, and fifth graders for the paper goods, soap and food drive. Hannah B of Barnert Temple gets our applause for contributing crayons, markers, coloring books, stickers, drawing pads, and all sorts of craft projects. These fill an important need. Atlantic Stewardship Bank once again put together beautiful food baskets for our families. What an amazing group of people! With the weather starting to warm up and nature reviving, we would like to suggest that you think ahead to Mother’s Day. Believe me, it will come before you can think of it, so it’s best to plan ahead. This year, we are asking our readers to honor the mothers here at Emmanuel Cancer who have children sick with cancer. Motherhood is a demanding job in normal circumstances, but with a child in a chronically sick and life threatening condition, everything intensifies. This year you can participate in three different ways: make a contribution in honor of your mother and we will send a card; ask for a Mother’s Day Tea packet from our office, and learn how you can hold a tea with friends in honor of ECF Mothers anytime in the next month; or privately raise a cup in your own home in honor of ECF moms. We supply the teabag! Teas can be as elaborate or as simple as you would like. Some folks are holding an English tea complete with scones, finger foods, and a selection of teas. Additionally you can plan to honor moms by attending our Moms: The Unsung Heroes Stroll-a-Thon to be held in June in Ridgewood. Details will follow. We also welcome contributions to Emmanuel Cancer Foundation’s Family
Emmanuel asks ? Ca n Yo u Hel p
Financial Assistance program. Our families thank you and hope for your generosity. Joey was diagnosed with leukemia at the young age of six. His mother, Abbey, had just completed a painful separation when the diagnosis was made. Things for this family of four -- Joey has an older brother, Mark, who is seven, and a sister Marris, who is two -- went from bad to worse when the dad skipped out on paying any support. Now, with the economy so tight, Abbey has had to help clean houses to generate funds for the rent and daily living expenses. She feels guilty when she is away from her children and exhausted when she is with them. Abbey’s sister, Maggie, pitches in to help with the children and has opened her home to the family when they were not going to be able to cover the rent for their small apartment. This family, like many, many we serve, needs aid through our Family Financial Assistance Fund. This fund is currently near depletion. We have new families who have signed on for our services, and our families’ requests for food have doubled since last May. Some of their needs are: gift cards for Path Mark, Shop-Rite and the A&P grocery stores. Your contribution helps a family’s tight budget stretch a little more. Call us at (201) 612-8118 before you stop by. Please do not leave items at center without checking with us. Our storage space is limited. Hours are Monday, 10 to 1; Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, 10 to 5; Thursday, 10 to 2; and Saturday, 10 to 1. Our address is 174 Paterson Avenue, Midland Park, NJ 07432. Our website is www. As always, thank you for helping the children and their families!
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