Page 4 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • April 22, 2009
Members of the Ramapo High School Student Council and the school’s Amnesty International and Interact Clubs recently worked together to raise student awareness about domestic and global poverty. To kick off the program, a panel of four people from the National Coalition for the Homeless, including two individuals who had experienced homelessness and two college interns, presented “Faces of Homelessness” to help students understand the causes of homelessness and the challenges faced by the homeless. The event was sponsored by the Ramapo APTS and the Interact Club.
Ramapo program dispels stereotypes about poverty
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According to Niki Bouloubasis, assistant advisor of the Interact Club, the program was well received. “It helped dispel many stereotypes about homelessness. Students had many questions and wanted to know how they could help combat poverty,” she said. The Ramapo Student Council followed up with a Miracle Minute fundraiser. Student Council representatives spent three minutes at the end of a ninth period class collecting funds for Eva’s Village in Paterson, which provides services Representatives of the Ramapo Student Council, Amnesty International Club, and Interact to the homeless. Student Club and teachers Melissa Ferro, Mary Jane Pfleger, and Michele Wittemore with some of the Council members also held items the students collected for Eva’s Village in Paterson. a competition among the different grade levels. Students In addition, The Ramapo Interact Club donated $400 from could post a photo of a food group representing their class a Classical Afternoon concert. Ramapo’s Amnesty International Club, advised by for each $1 donated to Eva’s Village. According to Student Council Advisor Melissa Ferro, Michele Wittemore, partnered with the Maywood Rotary the group contributed over $600 to the Paterson charity. Club to hold a fundraiser. Students netted $250 from the The students also collected over 120 packs of diapers, 100 sale of note cards to support a Rotary project to build a packs of wipes, and 200 cans of coffee for Eva’s Kitchen. cafeteria at a school in Kenya.
Cadet Taylor Matthew Mosera, a 2008 graduate of Ramapo High School, recently participated in the annual Plebe-Parent Weekend at the U.S. Military Academy. Relatives and friends of plebes (freshmen) are invited to West Point for the Plebe-Parent Weekend to tour the grounds, meet the staff and faculty members, and learn firsthand about the regimen followed by the academy’s
Mosera participates in Plebe-Parent event
newest cadets. There are approximately 1,200 plebes at West Point who plan to graduate in 2012 and be commissioned as second lieutenants in the U.S. Army. West Point, The U.S. Military Academy, is a four-year co-ed federal undergraduate liberal arts college that was founded in 1802 as America’s first college of engineering.
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