Page 20 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • April 15, 2009 ������������������������������ by Frank J. McMahon The Franklin Lakes Zoning Board has approved an application to allow ham radio operator Greg Goldman to install two 89foot high retractable lattice towers at the front of his Algonquin Road property. A 5-2 vote of the board approved variances from the borough code to allow the towers, which will be 105 feet high when fully extended with an antenna array on top of them that could extend 30 feet horizontally. The board added several conditions after a lengthy debate over the need and use of the towers and their visibility from neighboring properties. The towers will be topped with 15-foot antennas that will reach up to about 105 feet for the operation of the ham radio system. They will retract to 40 feet when not in use. Goldman’s nine acre property has access to Franklin Lake and frontage on both Algonquin and Franklin Lake roads. The resident, who has been a licensed amateur radio operator for 52 years, is constructing a two story frame and masonry dwelling on the east side of the property near the lake, which is at the rear of the dwelling. The two towers will be located west of his house near his driveway. The closest house is located 262 feet from the towers. During two public meetings on his application, Goldman told the board the towers need to reach the proposed height to ensure that the antennas will extend above the 90 foot high trees in the densely wooded area. The board’s conditions will prohibit the removal or trimming of any trees unless approved by the borough’s shade tree commission. The board also stipulated that evergreen trees be planed as replacements if any trees are removed. In addition, the towers are to be painted with a camouflage paint. All cables will be black or painted with the camouflage paint. A deed must be drawn up to require the removal of the towers and all related ������������������������������������ ������������������� Ham radio towers approved with conditions equipment if Goldman fails to use them for a three month period, loses his license to use them, or if the property is subdivided or changes ownership. The horizontal extension of the antennas may not exceed 30 feet in any one direction and Goldman must position the array of antennas on the top of the towers so tree trimming will not be required. However, if the trees grow, he can trim then back to their current height with the guidance of the shade tree commission. The structural stability of the towers must be certified by a New Jersey licensed professional engineer both before and after construction, and Goldman must provide 48 hours notice to the borough’s engineering firm of any excavation and construction of the towers. He must also provide for the automatic retraction of the towers whenever the velocity of the wind should reach a maximum level to be determined by the licensed engineer. Goldman cannot rent the towers or place signs on them, and he must make them available to the borough’s emergency services and he must work with the neighbors to eliminate any radio or television interference that the tower antennas may cause. The conditions also require a climbing fence around the base of the towers plus an additional five foot high fence with a lockable gate. During the two meeting public hearing a radio frequency expert, a professional engineer, and a professional planner explained why the height of the towers was needed and how visible they would be to neighbors. They also testified about Goldman’s potential personal use of the towers and how they would be used in any emergency by the borough’s emergency services. All neighbors whose properties are located within 200 feet of Goldman’s property were notified of the application, but none attended the public meetings. The coordinator of the borough’s office of emergency management did attend, however, and he told the board the benefit the borough’s emergency services will derive from these towers goes beyond any benefit Goldman might get from his communications center.    �   � � �                       The Gallery of The Presbyterian Church at Franklin Lakes is holding a studentteacher exhibit, featuring artist Mary Guidetti and students. “To Learn and Love Art” will run through April 30. Guidetti’s works include intimate nature studies and her interpretation of the effects of sunlight on a landscape. Also a portrait artist, illustrator, and art teacher, Guidetti devotes her life to the fine arts as both creator and art advocate. She has taught at Marist College in Poughkeepsie,New York, in the Bergen County schools, and in art studios in northern New Jersey. She is also an art teacher at the Bergen Center for Child Development and runs Guidetti to exhibit at gallery private classes under the name Turtle Dove Studios. Many of her former students have become successful professional artists and art teachers. Guidetti has received numerous awards. Her work can be seen in galleries and exhibits throughout New England, the midAtlantic region, and Florida. She paints portraits on commission and works with designers and architects in commercial and residential spaces. The gallery is located in The Presbyterian Church at Franklin Lakes, 730 Franklin Lake Road. Hours are weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Saturdays from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. For directions, call (201) 8910511 or go to MICHAEL’S Sporting Goods ����������������������������� Franklin Lakes Chamber of Commerce ������������������������������������������������������������ YOUR NAME: __________________________________________________________________ COMPANY NAME: _______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE NO: _______________________________________________________________________ CLASSIFICATION (CIRCLE ONE): RETAIL PROFESSIONAL BANKING WHOLESALE REAL ESTATE SERVICE INDUSTRIAL MEDICAL OR DENTAL OTHER 4-1-09 ����������������������������������������������������� Joan/Janine ���������������������������� CRFitness3x3(4-1-09) 3 x 3” �������� ���� 20% Stock off Any One Lacrosse Item �������������� TYPE OF MEMBERSHIP: INDIVIDUAL PROPPRIETOR CORPORATE ��������������������������������������� � � � � � ������� �������� ������ ������������ ��������� � � � � � ��������� ������� ����� ��������� ������������� BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS, TYPE OF PRODUCT OR SERVICE: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ���������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION WITH YOUR CHECK FOR $100.00 TO: FRANKLIN LAKES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, P.O. BOX 81, FRANKLIN LAKES, NJ 07417