Page 22 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • April 8, 2009
Newly published volume explores movie history
by Dennis Seuling In the 1970s, it seemed there were three or four new movie-related books released each week, and much of the material was repetitive. (There have been more than 15 full-length biographies on Bette Davis alone.) The flood
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Anne Baxter, Marilyn Monroe (seated) and Bette Davis in ‘All About Eve,’ recipient of 14 Oscar nominations.
of titles was gradually reduced to a trickle over the years so that today we are left with mostly biographies and some extremely narrow-focused volumes. A newly published book, “80 Years of Oscar” (Abbeville Press), bucks this myopic trend with a massive compendium of information about the Academy Awards, its history, its winners and losers, and how the ceremonies have changed through the decades. Written by Robert Osborne, the film historian host on Turner Classic Movies, the 440-page book is packed with both color and black and white production photos. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (continued on Crossword page)
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