Midland Park April 1, 2009 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • Page 9 New Life Ministries in Midland Park will be selling its property and moving as of May 1. The contemporary worship church, which moved to the borough in 2000, will hold services at the Eastern Christian High School in North Haledon until it finds a place to relocate, according to Pastor Howard Vugteveen. The last service in New Life Ministries to move from borough Midland Park will be on April 26. “The church building and supporting it was driving the church. We wanted to do more ministry rather than paying the mortgage,” Rev. Vugteveen explained of the congregation’s decision to leave Midland Park. He said they would look for a building closer to Paterson, probably in Hawthorne. “We are not leaving the suburbs. We want to do a more incarnational type of ministry. Jesus Christ lives in each part of our community. We want to bring Him to all of the communities of which we are already a part: the workplace, the schools, the neighborhoods,” he said. Pastor Vugteveen said that following a two to three-year study, the congregation concluded that the new vision would be to be more concerned about the community than the church building or the institution. “That’s what we are doing. It’s a slight tilt in our identity rather than a radical change,” he said. “Our emphasis is more on going out on God’s mission rather than bringing Him into our church.” (continued on page 21) The community is invited to attend a book signing by Mary Boyle Bradley, author of “Up the Creek with a Paddle: Beat MS and All Autoimmune Disorders with Low Dose Naltrexone,” at Town and Country Pharmacy in Ridgewood on April 4. The event will begin at noon at the pharmacy, which is located at 60 East Ridgewood Avenue. In her new book, Bradley presents new Local author to sign book on MS, autoimmune disorders uses for a cheap, generic, out-of-patent, FDA approved drug: Naltrexone. “Up the Creek…” was inspired by Bradley’s husband, Noel, who has primary progressive multiple sclerosis that has not progressed since he started taking LDN in September 2002. The book is an easy, educational read with plenty of humor to balance the pain. Although LDN has been used for MS and many autoimmune disorders, safely and effectively for over 20 years, the information is only now starting to reach the masses. Backed by many reputable doctors and long awaited, recently published scientific papers, Bradley’s ambition is to find a way to get the FDA to approve new uses for Naltrexone. Since September 2002, Mary has spearheaded an effectual global, grassroots, patient driven campaign to get LDN medically recognized and into the hands of people who need it as much as she did. Local retailers with the book currently in stock include: Town and Country Pharmacy in Ridgewood, and Harp n’ Shamrock Irish Gift Shop in Wyckoff. Bradley was born in Chicago in 1971 to Irish parents and raised in the west of Ireland. She achieved a first class honors degree in economics, sociology and politics in 1992 and a master’s degree with distinction in computing and information systems in 1994. After graduation, she worked with Mary Boyle Bradley a financial software company in London for five years. Today, she is a stay-at-home mom of three daughters and living in Midland Park. For more information or to contact the author, visit www.marybradleybooks.com. Business Owners, Managers and Future Entrepreneurs Managing Cash Flow Learn to project when cash is coming in and when cash is going out. When there will be a shortage or excess. When you can buy that new product or when you need to tap into the line of credit. Wednesday, April 8, 2009 • 7:00PM – 9:00PM $50 per person Please call 201-891-8585 to reserve a place. Please arrive 15 minutes early to register. Donald Samick – 40 yrs Business Background and Teacher of Seminars 436 West Main Street, Wyckoff    �   � � �                      