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Page 10 THE VILLADOM TIMES IV • December 24, 2008 Ramsey Review Redeemer Church celebrates Christmas The Nativity of Our Lord will be celebrated with three different Christmas Eve services on Wednesday, Dec. 24 at the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, 55 Wyckoff Avenue in Ramsey. Christmas Eve will begin with the Family Ser- vice at 5 p.m. This brief service includes the reading of les- sons by children of the church, singing numerous carols, sharing a children’s sermon given by the Rev. Dr. Carol Brighton, and enjoying a birthday cake for Baby Jesus. At 7 and 9 p.m., the congregation will gather for Candle- light Services of Holy Communion. These services include the reading of the Christmas gospel, a sermon by Pastor Brighton, anthems by the adult choir, performances by spe- cial instrumentalists, and the sharing of the Eucharist as a gift to any Christian regardless of his or her denomination. At the end of the service, each worshiper will light a candle for hope and peace and sing “Silent Night.” Redeemer is barrier-free and has large print books and aids available for those who are hearing impaired. Every- one is invited. For more information, call (201) 327-0148 or visit Christmas schedule announced Saint John’s Memorial Episcopal Church, located on the corner of Franklin Turnpike and East Main Street in Ramsey, will celebrate Christmas Eve (Dec. 24) with a Family Service at 5 p.m. and a Candlelight and Caroling Service at 10:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 10 a.m. on Christmas Day, Dec. 25. Church School is offered on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. from September through June for children ages three through 14. Saint John’s also offers an active youth group program for teens in grades seven through 12. Baby care is available every Sunday during the 10 a.m. ser- vice for children under age three. For more information about Saint John’s, call (201) 327-0703 or e-mail stjohns- The website is www.stjohnsramsey. org. Church celebrates holiday season The First Presbyterian Church of Ramsey will offer a Living Nativity on Tuesday, Dec. 23 at 5, 6 and 7 p.m. This dramatic offering, open to the community, will include live animals, professional lighting, and meditative music. This reenactment will take place on the church lawn facing Shuart Lane. This is a walk-up or drive-by experience. The production has received both local and international acclaim, and will be led by Joel Robertson, Broadway actor and co-director of Northern New Jersey’s Action Theater Conservatory. The Annual Christmas Pageant will be presented on Wednesday, Dec. 24 at 5 p.m. The pageant features music, drama, and liturgical dance by the Children’s Performing Arts Program. The cast will present a dramatic staging of the Nativity with a thematic emphasis on the role of the Annunciation of Mary in our own lives. The Candlelight Celebration will be at 10:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24. The Men’s Choir will sing Christ- mas carols beginning at 10:30 p.m. At 11 p.m. an intimate evening candlelight service will be held, featuring the Chancel Choir and traditional music selected to enliven the spiritual impact of this holy season. The First Presby- terian Church in Ramsey is located at 15 Shuart Lane in Ramsey. Market Day at Dater School Market Day is a monthly opportunity to save time while providing support for Dater School. A wide variety of products are available including low-fat, low-calorie, and all-natural food options. Anyone interested in participat- ing may contact Amy Reisfi eld at (201) 327-3474 or place an order at by Wednesday, Dec. 31. Order forms may also be returned directly to Dater School by Tuesday, Dec. 23. The pickup day will be Tuesday, Jan. 6 between 3 and 4 p.m. Friends group sponsors programs, fundraisers The Friends of the Ramsey Library is selling 2009 Book Lovers’ Calendars this season to enhance children’s ser- vices and cultural arts programs throughout the year. The calendars will be available at the reception and during reg- ular hours. This winter, FORL will sponsor a jazz performance featuring the Jimmie Divine Quartet and a vintage instru- ments guitar concert with Ken Lelen. FORL will also spon- sor a book sale in the spring. Check out the library website at or call (201) 327-1445 for more information. Final Centennial event set Concluding Ramsey’s Centennial year will be the New Year’s Eve Gala on Wednesday, Dec. 31. Tickets are $155 per person. The gala will be held at The Woodcliff Lake Hilton. For more information and to order tickets, log on to or call (201) 825-1350. Holiday Gift Drive announced Ramsey Responds is seeking donors for its annual Holiday Gift Drive to help brighten the holiday season for Ramsey’s neediest residents. Residents are invited to “adopt” a family or an individual. Donations of any size are welcome. Visa or American Express gift cards in any denomination would be especially appreciated. Call Ramsey Responds at (201) 312-4843. Russian art exhibit at library Ramsey Public Library, in sponsorship with Barbara Winski of Upper Saddle River, will be presenting the exhibit “Land and Its People through the Eyes of Russian Artists” during the month of December. For information call (201) 327-6967, or phone the library at (201) 327-1445. This exhibit represents the works of six contemporary Russian artists who continue the traditions of Russian real- ism from the turn of the century. Artist Yurl Maianenkov is an outstanding Moscow artist who is famous for his plein air landscapes of Moscow and the Russian provinces and for his unique portraits of his contemporaries. His works have recently been selected for the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. The artists represented in this exhibit span a number of generations, yet they are united by the classic realism tradi- tion, a deep devotion to their homeland, and an exception- ally high level of artistic professionalism. Each one of the artists has earned a graduate degree in art and is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, a highly regarded profes- sional organization. Their names are well known in Russia and Europe, and their works have been acquired by muse- ums, galleries, and private collectors in the United States, Italy, France, England, and Germany. The exhibit provides an opportunity to experience Russia through the eyes of Russian artists and to discover the history, culture, and humanity underlying the Russia of bygone years and the Russia of today. The Ramsey Public Library is located at 30 Wyckoff Avenue in Ramsey. Engaged? Just Married? Celebrating an Anniversary? Share the news with neighbors and friends! Announce your Special Event in We welcome photographs. Send announcements to: The Villadom TIMES P.O. Box 96, Midland Park, NJ 07432