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December 24, 2008 THE VILLADOM TIMES III • Page 5 Saddle River Connection to public water currently under review A proposed ordinance that concerns some Saddle River well users’ connection to the public water supply when they sell their homes has been tabled for review. The Saddle River Council will reportedly revisit the issue in January after the council, residents, and the Department of Envi- ronmental Protection work out the fi nal provisions. At issue is the use of private wells in the area of Burning Hollow, Stone Wall, and Cameron roads. In the mid-1990s, the DEP found 26 private wells in that area were contami- nated with VOCs, or volatile organic compounds. Borough Administrator Charles Cuccia explained that approximately 90 homes would be affected. He said resi- dents have a choice whether to use their own wells or to connect to the public water system. He said residents will always have a choice. However, he said the DEP has said that if a resident in the affected area who is still using a well decides to sell his or her home, the new owner would come into the public water supply. The goal, he said, is to protect new homeowners who might not be familiar with the history of the area. Cuccia noted that a water line was recently added in the area for fi re fi ghting purposes. TCE and PCE – tetrachloroethylene, were detected in 1994 when Saddle River requested residents test for vola- tile organics in their wells. Any amount over one part per billion is the DEP Bureau of Safe Drinking Water’s mea- surement for dangerous levels of TCE. At that time, the borough contacted the NJDEP, which monitored, tested, and responded to the problem. As an interim solution, the borough installed POET (point of entry treatment) systems in certain homes with wells. POET systems are fi berglass containers fi lled with carbon to absorb contaminants in wells. Subsequently, the DEP established the New Jersey Spill Fund to provide money for 20 years of treatment. The borough’s goal was to devise a long-term plan for providing safe, potable water to affected residents. In 2005, New Jersey Spill Funds were dwindling, and the DEP offered to fund the construction of public water lines. The borough had said the homes’ wells were “vertically contaminating” the soil, possibly causing movement of a plume from Burning Hollow to East of Route 17, where another area is designated as contaminated by the DEP. Additionally, the borough discussed how the POET systems could not fi lter out such harmful contaminants as arsenic and how United Water’s system could protect against all types of contaminants. Three years ago, Burning Hollow petitions indicated that 38 residents supported the conversion to public water, while over 18 homeowners wanted to stick with their well water. Some who favored the connection to United Water said they would prefer to leave the testing to the water com- pany, rather than pursue testing for the private wells. Some residents opposed to the switch pointed out that United Water uses chlorine. Another concern was the amount of water available and whether Saddle River would have to comply with strict water restrictions in the summer months. In addition, residents maintain it is cheaper to maintain their own well system, rather than pay for public water use, including testing, and, if necessary, upgrading their POET tank(s). Gala tickets offered The Upper Saddle River Educational Foundation is now selling discounted tickets to its annual gala fundraiser, Town Night Out. This event, to be held at The Estate at Florentine Gardens on March 6, 2009, will include a three- hour cocktail party featuring international food stations, a premium open bar, and a lavish Viennese Table. Town Night Out will also feature entertainment and an auction. The entire community is invited. Tickets purchased on or before Jan. 5, 2009 will be offered at $210 per couple. After that date, the tickets will be $230 per couple. Tickets are available at the Upper Saddle River Library or by contacting Maria DiMartino at (201) 818-2402. The USREF is a non-profi t community supported orga- nization dedicated to enhancing the quality of education in the USR public school system by providing funding to support exceptional and extraordinary educational and cul- tural programs. Dr. Heather Sculthorpe is proud to present Tracy Collins, a 2006 winner of the Hygienist of the Year from RDH Magazine. Now Accepting Patients Tracy Collins, RDH and Heather Sculthorpe, DMD CHILDREN’S DENTAL SPECIALIST BRAND NEW STATE-OF-THE-ART OFFICE 841 Franklin Ave, Suite 2 FRANKLIN LAKES • 201-891-0096 • Specially Trained Staff • Digital X-rays • Latex-Free • TVs • Video Games • Toys • Prizes SATURDAY HOURS AVAILABLE Specialty Permit #5582 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the crew! ������������� ���� �� Randy’s Auto Repair ASE Certified 11 Crescent Ave., Waldwick • 201-445-2722