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December 24, 2008 THE VILLADOM TIMES III • Page 27 Saddle River Valley Notes Church sets Christmas services Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, located at 96 East Allendale Road in Saddle River, will hold a 4 p.m. Christ- mas Family Service with Holy Communion, a 6:30 p.m. Holy Communion Service, and an 11 p.m. Festival Service with Holy Communion and Gospel Procession on Christ- mas Eve, Dec. 24. The Christmas Day services will be held at 10 a.m. and will feature Christmas Lessons and Carols. The church is led by Pastor Rev. Wesley W. Smith, II Ph.D. ‘Coffee Talk’ group to meet Join the Upper Saddle River Library for a new book group, Coffee Talk, with Alice, Ann, and Camille, on the second Thursday of the month at 10:30 a.m. With three dif- ferent personalities moderating the group, there is sure to be lively conversation. Refreshments will be provided. For Jan. 8, the title will be “Innocent Blood” by P.D. James. Sign up and pick up a copy of the novel at the circu- lation desk. The Upper Saddle River Library is located at 245 Lake Street, Upper Saddle River. Register for baseball and softball Online registration is underway for the 2009 Ho-Ho- Kus/Saddle River Baseball and Softball programs. Parents can sign up their children in kindergarten through grade nine by accessing the HHK/SR Baseball and Softball Association website at html. The cost for registration is $90 for children in kinder- garten and grade one, and $115 for children in grades two through nine. Registration ends Jan. 6. Yoga classes offered Get in shape with the Upper Saddle River Library’s new yoga instructor, Jennifer Cece. Starting Tuesday, Jan. 6 at 9:45 a.m. there will be an all levels class. At 11 a.m., there will be a brand new class for seniors called “Gentle Stretch Yoga.” Cece’s classes are designed to develop physical goals such as strength, coordination, and flexibility, and will relieve stress and anxiety and sharpen mental focus. The cost is $60 for 10 classes. Enrollment is limited. The Upper Saddle River Library is located at 245 Lake Street in Upper Saddle River. Novels at Night to discuss ‘The Island’ The Upper Saddle River Library’s Novels at Night book Church hosts Christmas Charity Tea The first annual Christmas charity tea hosted recently by the Church of the Presentation was an overwhelming success, garnering hundreds of donated items for the Bedford Hills Correctional Facility and the Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center in Hawthorne. The festive affair, sponsored by the church’s Women’s Spirituality Ministry, gave the opportunity to 20 women to hostess a table with Christmas-themed decorations and finger food for their invited guests who brought donations for charities. Table themes ranged from the Victorian era to the chic and whimsical. Chairperson Sue Furey who christened the event “Lighting the Way to the Christmas Season” thanked the many participants with “You are a Light in My Life.” Sue’s husband Paul Furey directed a wait staff of 20 men dressed in holiday aprons with white shirts and black pants. Among the waiters were Pastor Bob Stagg and Father Lope. The audience all joined in singing Christmas carols with soloist Debra Lynch. The speaker for the evening was Sister Mary Ann Collins, a Dominican Sister currently chaplain in the medical unit of the Bedford Hills Corrections Facility in New York. club will meet Jan. 7 at 7:30 p.m. The book for discussion will be “The Island” by Victoria Hislop. Novels at Night meets the first Wednesday of every month. For a list of future novels and meeting dates, pick up a flyer at the USR Library or view online at uppersad- The Upper Saddle River Library is located at 245 Lake Street, Upper Saddle River.