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December 24, 2008 THE VILLADOM TIMES
III • Page 19
Cioffi addresses Rotarians on landscaping, snow removal
Mike Cioffi, director of maintenance services for Borst
Landscape & Design, recently addressed a group of 30
business leaders at the Paramus Sunrise Rotary Club. He
discussed techniques for improving curb appeal to sell a
home, landscaping and snow removal, and environmen-
tally-friendly approaches in use today.
“When selling a home, first impressions really matter,”
Cioffi noted. “Whether trying to attract homebuyers in a
tough real estate market like ours or to create an image for
your commercial property, what visitors see first sets the
tone for everything that follows.”
Tips for improving a property’s image in the winter
involve cleaning up and putting away items from warmer
weather, and keeping the property neat. In addition, holi-
day decorations, including wreaths, garlands and container
plantings and festive lighting can enhance the exterior of
the home and landscape.
Cioffi fielded Rotarians’ questions about environmental
trends for snow removal. Borst’s new snow management
division provides commercial services, and the company
has a strong commitment to use environmentally safe prac-
tices for snow removal. This includes the use of products
like Magic Salt, which are less corrosive to the hardscape,
and less harmful to lawn, plants and shrubs.
This led to a lively conversation about all aspects of
landscaping and the impact on the environment. Borst
Landscape & Design has been involved in organic lawn
care for more than a decade and is a member of the Pes-
ticide Environmental Stewardship Program, a voluntary
group run by the EPA. In 2007, Borst introduced Borst
Organic®, the company’s private label for organic prod-
ucts that treat lawn, trees and shrubs ‘’with the science of
Oh, Antique you belonging to Learle Van Emburg doll! part
beautiful are
dolls of the Christmas Tree display at the Allendale Community
for Mature Living in Allendale. Van Emburg decorates the
tree that graces The Atrium’s lobby each year and adds part
of her collection of more than 100 dolls..
Allendale Notebook
Pastamania returns to Northern Highlands
The Northern Highlands Regional High School’s Sports
Association will host its annual Pastamania event on Tues-
day, Jan. 13. Pastamania will feature back-to-back basket-
ball and wrestling matches against Ramsey High School,
and an all-you-can-eat Italian feast in the cafeteria. Pro-
ceeds will support the athletes and coaches of all sports
programs at Northern Highlands.
The sports action will begin at 4 p.m. with boys’ and
girls’ junior varsity basketball, followed by varsity girls’
basketball and junior varsity wrestling at 5:30 p.m. At 7
p.m., there will be varsity boys’ basketball in the front gym
and varsity boys’ wrestling in the back gym.
Dinner will be served between 5 and 8 p.m. at a cost
of $10 per person; $6 for students and senior citizens. The
menu includes pasta with meat or marinara sauce, salad,
rolls, homemade desserts, and assorted soft drinks. Tick-
ets may be purchased through the NH Athletic Director’s
office at (201) 327-8700, extension 205. There will also be
several prizes offered.
Board of education to meet
The Allendale Board of Education will meet on Tuesday,
Jan. 13 at 8 p.m. The session will be held in the Brookside
School Library, 100 Brookside Avenue in Allendale.
Calvary offers Christmas services
Calvary Lutheran Church and Christian Nursery School
is making preparations to celebrate the birth of Jesus. On
Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, two candlelight services will be
offered, both of which will include Holy Communion. At
4:30 p.m. the Family Candlelight Service will include the
lighting of candles, traditional hymns, and scripture les-
sons. This service will also feature the voices of Calvary’s
Youth Choir, under the direction of Marilyn Agresta and
Pam Grumbles. Several of Calvary’s youth will serve as
readers for this service.
At 11 p.m. on Christmas Eve, a Festive Candlelight Ser-
vice of Holy Communion will be offered. This service will
include traditional readings and hymns and special music
as performed by the Senior Choir. The Senior Choir is
directed by Joseph Turrin, an accomplished composer and
Calvary’s director of music.
For over 50 years, Calvary has proclaimed the Word of
God through a growing ministry. On Sunday mornings,
a Christian Education hour for children (as young as four
years of age) begins at 9:30 a.m. Worship is held at 10:45
a.m., with Holy Communion offered on the first and third
Sundays of each month and on special festivals.
Calvary is located at 165 West Crescent Avenue, Allen-
dale, on the corner of West Crescent and Ivers Road and is
accessible for those with special physical needs.
Calvary holds alumni registration
Calvary Christian Nursery School is accepting alumni
registrations for 2009-10. Any family who has previously
had a child or children complete the CCNS program may
now enroll their child or children for 2009-10. CCNS is
also accepting admission applications from church mem-
bers and younger siblings of current students. Call (201)
327-4786 or e-mail to or visit
Calvary’s website,, to download the
admission application form. Applications are also available
at the church office on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Calvary Christian Nursery School has been educat-
ing young children for over 25 years. Based on the “play
model” of learning, CCNS offers a stimulating environ-
ment in which children can grow, educationally, emotion-
ally, and spiritually. CCNS is a non-cooperative program.
Visits to the school with the child or children may be
made on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 9:30 to 11 a.m.
CCNS is located at 165 West Crescent Avenue in Allen-
dale. No appointment is necessary. Visitors should come
to the church office entrance and see the secretary. To visit
at other times, call (201) 818-4014, and leave a message for
Assistant Director Gail Cutler. An Open House is being
planned for the week of Jan. 26, 2009.
Registration for the general public will begin on Jan. 26,
2009. Alumni of Calvary Christian Nursery School, mem-
bers of the church, or those with a younger sibling of a cur-
rent student, can register now.
nature…naturally.” “The problem is that the
chemical used to enhance
a lawn’s color, nitrogen,
actually stresses the grass.
It’s almost like putting your
lawn on steroids. In an
organic lawn care program,
we focus on improving
the soil. Healthy soil pro-
duces healthy, vibrant grass Mike Cioffi (right) receives
plants,” said Cioffi. Using a a certificate of appreciation
holistic approach, known in from Anthony Iacono.
the field as integrated pest management, Borst has made a
name for itself as the premier landscaping firm in north-
ern New Jersey focused on “green” practices. Through site
assessment, periodic monitoring, and preventative applica-
tions, Borst is able to lower incidents of pest and patho-
gen problems and significantly reduce its use of pesticide
products. Cioffi also reviewed the importance of using porous
hardscape surfaces that allow rainwater to filter down
through the soil – a natural means of purification – rather
than becoming runoff that brings harmful chemicals into
the water system.
“Just like everything else in life, environmentally-safe
landscaping is all about stress management,” said Cioffi.
“Healthy soil is the key, and the organic approach relieves
the stress on the soil and allows it to return to its natural
state.” At the end of the presentation, Cioffi received a certifi-
cate of appreciation from Rotary Club President/Paramus
Borough Administrator Anthony Iacono.
Borst Landscape & Design is located at 260 West Cres-
cent Avenue, Suite 1, in Allendale. Phone (201) 785-9400.