Page 6 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • December 24, 2008
Franklin Lakes
Council considers lightning detection system
by Frank J. McMahon
The Franklin Lakes Borough Coun-
cil is considering an expenditure of about
$30,000 for the installation of a lightning
detection and warning system with wireless
remote siren systems at the borough’s ath-
letic fi elds, and at the athletic fi elds located
at the three elementary schools.
The lightning detection and warning
system and wireless remote siren systems
had been recommended by the borough’s
Recreation Committee, whose members
thought the board of education would cover
part of the cost of the system. But John
Ciurciu, the borough’s recreation and parks
director, advised the council at a recent
public meeting that the board of education
had decided not to participate in the proj-
ect. The system at the borough’s athletic
fi elds will cost $20,725, and the systems
at the board of education fi elds would cost
$9,835, including installation and electrical
power requirements.
Michael Solokas, the business admin-
istrator for the school district, advised that
the board of education considers this proj-
ect to be very worthwhile, but does not feel
it can absorb that cost at this time due to
budgetary constraints.
If the borough proceeds with the proj-
Franklin Lakes Schools
A general education preschool program for 3 and 4-year olds
ect, the systems would be located at the
artifi cial turf fi eld at the Pulis Avenue Rec-
reation Center on Vichiconti Way, the ath-
letic fi elds behind the municipal building
on DeKorte Drive, the Tommy John Field
behind the library, the McBride Field on
Franklin Lake Road, and the three board
of education fi elds located at the Colonial
Road School, the High Mountain Road
School, and the Woodside Avenue School.
The borough would be responsible for
routine maintenance if the system is pur-
chased and installed, and the servicing of
the components of the system is recom-
mended every three years, or as required.
Ciurciu explained that the borough
uses the board of education fi elds and the
Franklin Avenue Middle School uses the
borough’s Pulis Avenue Recreation Center
fi eld. But Mayor Maura DeNicola advised
that there is only $24,000 in the borough’s
budget for this project, and the Recreation
Committee anticipated the participation of
the board of education in the project. Ciur-
ciu said, however, that he felt the borough
would be able to cover the cost of the board
of education fi elds in the project, but not
with all “bells and whistles” of the original
project. The council remanded the project to the
Recreation Committee for further study and
will place it on the agenda for the council’s
work session for discussion in January.
The manufacturer, Strike Guard, claims
it employs state-of-the-art technology to
address even the most demanding lightning
safety and equipment protection applica-
tions. According to the company’s website,
its lightning warning system is designed for
critical applications and it monitors cloud,
and cloud-to-ground, lightning and pro-
vides “contact-closure signaling at user-set
lightning activity thresholds.” The company
also claims that its patented optical signal
processing and proprietary optical-coinci-
dence technology prevent false alarms.
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