December 24, 2008 THE VILLADOM TIMES I • Page 5
Midland Park
New firm hired for school board’s legal services
The Midland Park Board of Education has hired a new
law firm to handle its legal matters. Fogarty & Hara Esqs.
was appointed last week to replace Winne Banta Hether-
ington Basralian & Kahn, which represented the board for
more than 25 years.
Fogarty& Hara, with offices in Fair Lawn, will be paid
an hourly rate of $165 for a partner and $145 per associate.
Board trustee Wayne Roberts, who heads the service
review committee, said that the committee had received
proposals from six area firms, and interviewed two before
arriving at its recommendation. He said the firm enjoys
an excellent reputation and represents more than 30 other
Bergen County school districts. He added that their office’s
proximity to Midland Park would be an asset as well.
“They are conveniently located in Fairlawn and pos-
sess the staffing to provide Midland Park with rapid legal
responses, an important quality in an ever more litigious
world. Their hourly rate was among the bottom half of the
field of six firms which responded to an RFP issued by the
district,” explained Superintendent of Schools Dr. William
Heebink. “Our firm is pleased and privileged to have been
appointed as counsel to the Midland Park Board of
Education. Our firm is devoted exclusively to the repre-
sentation of school districts, and we look forward to bring-
ing our experience to the District and to working with the
Board, the administration and the staff,” commented part-
ner Stephen Fogarty, reached after the meeting.
Fogarty & Hara represents over 45 school districts state-
wide, as well as a number of charter schools, jointure com-
missions and private schools for the disabled. The law firm
also serves as special education counsel to the Demarest
School District, Kinnelon School District, Ramsey School
District, Wyckoff School District, Northwest Bergen Coun-
cil for Special Education and Pascack Valley Council for
Special Education.
Curriculum director to leave for regional district post
The Midland Park Schools’ director of
curriculum, instruction and staff devel-
opment will be leaving in February for
a position with the Ramapo Indian Hills
School District. Elizabeth Veneziano, who
has held various positions with increasing
responsibilities in Midland Park for the
past 12 years, will be the regional district’s
supervisor of English/language arts. In her
new capacity, Veneziano will teach two
periods of English each day, combining her
two loves -- teaching students and oversee-
ing an area of curriculum.
“We are grateful for Ms. Veneziano’s
competent service as a classroom teacher,
assistant principal, and curriculum director
during her nearly 12-year tenure in Mid-
land Park, said Superintendent of Schools
Dr. William Heebink. “We wish Liz
professional and personal happiness in her
new position.”
Dr. Heebink expressed disappointment
that the opening was happening mid-year.
“Ideally, this opportunity would have
arisen later in the year so the district would
not experience another administrative
departure in the middle of the year. How-
ever, the job opened up when it did, and
there was no assurance that a comparable
one would have existed in the future,” he
added. The district’s business administra-
tor/board secretary, the director of special
services, the social worker, and the High-
land School principal have all retired since
June. “While Midland Park has pro-
vided Ms. Veneziano with some nice
opportunities to advance in her pro-
fession, it is undeniable that a
larger district provides a wider variety of
career paths,” commented Dr. Heebink.
The superintendent said that to seek a
direct replacement at this time would not
be practical, since it would take up to four
months. “Fortunately, most of her pur-
suits are
well underway
such that
we can
redistribute them
among various
teaching and
administrative staff in the short run,” the
superintendent explained, adding that in
the long run, the future of the position may
be in jeopardy.
“There is a hope that the position can
be maintained. However, this will need to
be balanced against other educational pri-
orities as we review the 2009-2010 budget
proposals,” he said.
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Happy Holidays and a Great New Year!
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